Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I'm so OLD!!!

My current bed time is now 8:30 pm. It's taken me a while to come to terms with this, but I am now okay with it. I have somewhere along this road turned into a responsible parent. My greatest joy is that I never saw it coming. I just lived my life and made the choices that were most beneficial for my little family. I love them and they love me. My 4 year old has told me at least six times today already that i'm "AWESOME". Granted. He's very easily impressed with my ability to open string cheese and find toys that are sitting right in front of him, but if that makes me awesome in his eyes, I'm grateful.
So far today, the baby is sick, the 5 year old is now home from Kindergarten and the dog has run away and been returned by a friendly neighbor... twice. Not my best day, but not my worst either. All 3 kids are alive and happy as they sit with the dog in the family room and watch "Phinneas & Ferb". I have somehow found a few moments of quiet to sit and write this entry. I know it's probably coming across a little disjointed and unorganized, but hey, that's my life and I'm okay with it! I pick my battles and my house isn't always completely put together, but my family is happy and we have great memories to share. I love this awesome family I belong to!

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